Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Open Access Book: A history of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1882-1942, an intercollegiate project

A history of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1882-1942; an intercollegiate project.

Author:Louis E Lord

Publisher: Cambridge, Pub. for the American School of Classical Studies at Athens [by] Harvard Univ. Press, 1947.

Description: xiv, 417 p. illus. 23 cm

ISBN: 9780876619032

The following is the text of the history of the ASCSA between its foundation and 1942, written by Louis E. Lord. It was first published on behalf of the School in 1947 by Harvard University Press. A scanned PDF (43.2 MB) of the whole volume, complete with page numbers and images, is available for free download. The book (ISBN 9780876619032) is out of print. Because the text below was rekeyed from a printed copy, please be alert for errors. If you spot errors, we would be grateful if you could let us know.


Chapter I: The Founding of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Chairmanship of John Williams White of Harvard University, 1881–1887

Chapter II: The Chairmanship of Thomas Day Seymour of Yale University, 1887–1901

Chapter III: The Chairmanship of James Rignall Wheeler of Columbia University, 1901–1918

Chapter IV: The Chairmanship of Edward Capps of Princeton University, 1918–1939

Appendix I: The First Year of the School at Athens, by Harold N. Fowler

Appendix II: How I Became a Captain in the Greek Army, by Walter Miller

Appendix III: Excavations of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1882–1940

Appendix IV: Publications of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1882–1941

Appendix V: Special Endowment Funds of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Appendix VI: Directory of Trustees, Managing Committee, Faculty and Students,1882–1942

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