Open Access Week
We are now in the middle of
Open Access WeekOpen Access Week, a global event now entering its fourth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research...
Open access publication is a central focus of AWOL and of the Library at the
Institute for the Study of the Ancient Word which is AWOL's home. Here at ISAW we have been developing plans for an Ancient World Digital Library, the first visible fruit of which is AWOL itself. We expect to make public some additional developments in thew very near future, so stay tuned. The development of the Ancient World Digital Library is underway in close collaboration with other
Projects and Publications at ISAW.
AWOL Statistics
As Open Access week began, the number of email addresses subscribed to the feedburner email notification service passed the seventeen hundred mark. It is personally and professionally gratifying that so many of you find this material interesting enough to choose to add yet another piece of email to your daily routine. The more so since the scope of AWOL is so broad.
AWOL went on line in January 2009. Since then we have had 214,300 page loads, from 126,562 unique visitors. 35,451 of these made more than one visit.
Since May 2010, Blogger has been keeping detailed statistics on usage of files hosted there. In that period the ten most frequently viewed pages have been:
| Jul 7, 2010, 42 | 9,055 Pageviews |
| Oct 18, 2009 | 1,165 Pageviews |
| Oct 11, 2010, 4 comments | 860 Pageviews |
| Sep 12, 2010 | 527 Pageviews |
| Jan 5, 2010 | 506 Pageviews |
| Jul 18, 2010 | 492 Pageviews |
| Jul 12, 2010 | 438 Pageviews |
| Oct 1, 2010 | 385 Pageviews |
| Sep 5, 2010, 4 comments | 364 Pageviews |
| Sep 1, 2010, 2 comments | 360 Pageviews |
It strikes me as interesting, and perhaps predictable, that most of these are reasonably large aggregations of data. Les predictable, but equally interesting, is that two of them are links to individual open access periodical.
Administrative notes with user statistics have been posted in
March 2012,
November 2011,
October 2011,
July 2011,
April 2011,
January 2011,
December 2010,
October 2010,
August 2010,
July 2010,
May 2010, and
January 2010.
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