Sunday, February 28, 2010

Open Access Journal: Variability and Evolution

Variability and Evolution

The journal Variability and Evolution was founded by Jerzy Szweykowski, Krzysztof Łastowski and Janusz Piontek, Professors of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 1991. Jerzy Szweykowski edited first four volumes and Janusz Piontek has been the editor from the 5th volume (1996).

Starting from the 6th volume (1997) Variability and Evolution has been published by the Institute of Anthropology of Adam Mickiewicz University and also has possessed the Board of International Collaborators.

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology

The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology™
ISSN: 1939-4594

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Open Access Journal: Anthropological Review

Anthropological Review
ISSN: 1898-6773
Anthropological Review Continues
Przegląd Antropologiczny (Vols. 1–63) and
Przegląd Antropologiczny – Anthropological Review (Vols. 64–69)
ISSN: 0033-2003

Anthropological Review, appearing annually, publishes (since 1997) in English, and is a scientific journal devoted to issues in physical anthropology and related fields of science. The journal has had a long tradition of publication since its founding, in 1926.

2009 (Vol. 72)

2008 (Vol. 71)

2007 (Vol. 70)

2006 (Vol. 69)

2005 (Vol. 68)

2004 (Vol. 67)

2003 (Vol. 66)

2002 (Vol. 65)

2001 (Vol. 64)

2000 (Vol. 63)

1999 (Vol. 62)

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Auction Catalogues at JSTOR (Beta) [temporarily open access]

Though a part of JSTOR, this site is open for public comment through June 2010

Auction Catalogs (Beta)

JSTOR is collaborating with the Frick Collection and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in a pilot project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to understand how auction catalogs can be best preserved for the long-term and made most easily accessible for scholarly use. Auction catalogs are vital for provenance research as well as for the study of art markets and the history of collecting.

This prototype site is open to the public through June 2010. If you are interested in this content and the importance to art research, we encourage you to try the site and take the brief survey linked below. In June, we will evaluate use of the content and the feedback we have received in order to help determine the future of the resource.

We want to hear from you!

We have a short survey which we appreciate if you could take to allow us to better understand the needs of the community.

Getting Started

You may start searching the catalogs using the box below,

pages image Advanced Catalog Search

or you may pages image Browse the entire collection.
And see also The Ancient World in JSTOR: AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Best of the Web Nominees - 2010

Best of the Web Nominees - 2010 are now available for review at, a collaborative space for professionals creating culture, science and heritage on-line, hosted by Archives & Museum Informatics. All of them are interesting, and two have particular interest for students of Antiquity. Both are in the Exhibition category:

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Open Access Journal: Gouden Hoorn

Gouden Hoorn, Golden Horn: Journal of Byzantium
Gouden Hoorn (Golden Horn), Journal of Byzantium is published by Godiva Éditions on the initiative of the Council of Independent Byzantinists (Onafhankelijk Byzantinologen Overleg, OBO), that was founded on 29th November, 1991. The OBO aims at informing and bringing together lovers of Byzantium. The OBO hopes to reach its goal by publishing Gouden Hoorn twice a year.

Gouden Hoorn is published in a paper version as well as on this website. If you would like to receive Gouden Hoorn by snail-mail in the paper version, let us know by e-mail. If you live in the Netherlands, you can subscribe by sending Dfl. 15 to our giroaccount 6084462 in Amsterdam, which is the charge for one volume with two issues.

Gouden Hoorn is edited by Annabelle Parker and André de Raaij. Jan Pieter Kunst is webmaster of the Gouden Hoorn site.

Copyright of the articles is with each author. Articles can be reproduced only after consulting the editors and not without mentioning the source. The editors have aimed at settling copyright according to statutory regulation. Those who nevertheless think they are entitled to certain rights, can apply to the editors.

Gouden Hoorn can be contacted via P.O. Box 16410, NL-1001 RM Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or via our e-mail-address:

Gouden Hoorn (printed edition) = ISSN 0929-7820


(January 6, 2002): Volume 9, issue 1 (winter 2001-2002) is now online.

Older news

Index of previous issues

Volume 8, issue 2 (spring 2001) Volume 4, issue 2 (winter 1996-1997)
Volume 8, issue 1 (summer-fall 2000) Volume 4, issue 1 (summer 1996)
Volume 7, issue 2 (winter 1999-2000) Volume 3, issue 2 (winter 1995-1996)
Volume 7, issue 1 (summer 1999) Volume 3, issue 1 (summer 1995)
Volume 6, issue 2 (winter 1998-1999) Volume 2, issue 2 (winter 1994-1995)
Volume 6, issue 1 (summer 1998) Volume 2, issue 1 (summer 1994)
Volume 5, issue 2 (winter 1997-1998) Volume 1, issue 2 (winter 1993-1994)
Volume 5, issue 1 (summer 1997) Volume 1, issue 1 (summer 1993)

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of Information on Computing and Anthropology (BICA

Bulletin of Information on Computing and Anthropology (BICA)
The occasion for writing this piece was the editorial labour in preparing an online version of BICA The Bulletin of Information on Computing in Anthropology which is now available on the Internet.1 The original BICA was a pioneering serial,2 edited by John Davis, which appeared intermittently from 1984 to 1988. Its early editions are of continuing interest for a variety of reasons, as attested by the citation of its articles in mainstream journals.

BICA was originally published on a more or less samizdat basis. It was not sold, but distributed to about 500 subscribers. Its primary purpose was to promote the use of technology in anthropological research. Topics ranged from discussions of the use of expert systems to elucidate marriage patterns and musical improvisations, to the general problems of using computers in the field (the importance of peanut butter as a means of extracting pests from within a computer is not to be overlooked)...

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: Athena Review

Athena Review: Journal of Archaeology, History, and Exploration
Issue index:
Vol. 1, No 1: Romano-British Sites & Museums I: Forts and military sites; Late Iron Age Celts; Angkor Wat; Peter Martyr.
Vol. 1, No 2: Romano-British Sites & Museums II: Towns, villas, markets, baths; New World Voyages of William Dampier.
Vol. 1, No. 3: New World Explorers I: South America & Caribbean; Vikings in Vinland; Rivers from Space.
Vol. 1, No. 4: Sites & Museums in Roman Gaul I; Thracian Treasures; Buddhist Monasteries in Tibet.
Vol. 2, No. 1: New World Explorers II: Yucatán; Great Basin Archaeology.
Vol. 2, No.2: Maya Lowlands: Tikal, Palenque; Egyptian papyri; Sutton Hoo.
Vol. 2, No.3: Romans on the Danube; Viking ships and sagas; Andean Petroglyphs.
Vol. 2, No.4: Neanderthals Meet Modern Humans.
Vol. 3, No.1: Byzantine Cultures, East and West; Buried silk road cities of Khotan.
Vol. 3, No.2: New World Explorers III: Peopling of the Americas
Vol. 3, No.3: Minoan Palaces of Crete: New Interpretations; El Mirón Cave, Spain
Vol. 3, No.4: Rediscovering Lost Civilizations: Reports from the Field.
Vol. 4, No.1: Homo erectus: current findings on an early human ancestor; The prehistory of Sardinia
Vol. 4, No.2: The Flowering of the Gothic in Northern France: Gothic Art and Architecture from Paris to Picardie
Vol. 4, No.3: The Looting of Archaeological Sites: Looting and the Antiquities Market; Central America as a Case Study; Bering Strait Legal Market in Antiquities

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Open Access Database on the History of Collecting in America

Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
The Archives Directory for the History of Collecting is a pioneering resource created to help researchers locate primary source material about American collectors, dealers, agents and advisors, and the repositories that hold these records. The database is a work in progress that is regularly updated with information contributed by both institutions and individuals.

For more information about the directory, contact Samantha Deutch, Research and Program Manager for the Center for the History of Collecting in America. For other news and related activities visit the Center for the History of Collecting in America.

The Center for the History of Collecting in America gratefully acknowledges Melvin R Seiden, the Billy Rose Foundation, Townsend I. Burden, Peter Blanchard, DeCourcy E. McIntosh, Juan Sabater, and an anonymous donor for their generous support of this project.

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Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [Egypt and Nubia articles only]
The Giza Archive Project has made all articles relating to Egypt and Nubia accessible.
All Egyptian and Nubian Articles
Giza Articles

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Notre site met progressivement en ligne des textes qui fondent notre culture. Il s'agit d'oeuvres qui sont à l'origine de la science, de la politique et de la littérature. Nous publions les textes originaux en grec et en latin avec leurs traductions françaises, anglaises et allemandes.

HOMÈRE : Iliade

HOMÈRE : Odyssée

HÉSIODE : Théogonie Nouveau

THALÈS : (Grec, Anglais, Français)

ANAXIMANDRE : (Grec, Anglais, Français)

HÉRACLITE : (Grec, Anglais, Français)

PARMÉNIDE : (Grec, Anglais, Français)

ZÉNON : (Grec, Anglais, Français)

EMPÉDOCLE : (Grec, Anglais, Français)

ESCHYLE : Perses (interlinéaire)

PLATON : Criton

PLATON : Phèdre

PLATON : Euthyphron.

PLATON : Apologie de Socrate

EUCLIDE : Les Éléments

Dictionnaire des dieux

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Multilingual Numismatic Glossary

Translations of Numismatic Terms
This page provides numismatic and database terminology to internationalize numismatic databases.
If you would like to add a language or correct the existing translations, please email Chris Hopkins
A team of volunteers has been working throughout the past year to provide
the translations. The Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian and Spanish translations are complete (or nearly so) while work is
still in progress for Greek, Persian and Arabic.

I extend my sincere thanks to the volunteers who have made, and continue to
make, this project possible:
Alfredo De La Fe
Carlos Verdura
David Wigg-Wolf
Giulio De Florio
Jorge Cavalheiro
Joris Aarts
Khodadad Rezakhani
Lluís Mendieta
Mostafa Faghfoury
Patrick Pasmans
Pierre R. Monney
Uwe Ellerbrock
Vadim Nikitin
Walter Bloom

The translations database will remain on the Internet for free use by any

Your comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome. If you
would like to add a language, correct the existing translations, add a new
term or become a volunteer editor, please email me...
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Publication Series from the Oriental Institute: Oriental Institute Digital Archives (OIDA)

Oriental Institute Digital Archives (OIDA) Volume I
Letters from James Henry Breasted to His Family, August 1919 - July 1920

Edited by John A. Larson

This presentation is based on the letters that James Henry Breasted wrote home to his family during the first expedition of the Oriental Institute to the Middle East (August 1919-July 1920). These original letters in the Oriental Institute Archives were transcribed into digital form and are presented - unedited - with supporting illustrations.

* Oriental Institute Digital Archives 1
* Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010
* Pp. 281; 7 figures, 9 illustrations

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative.

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Newly Online at the Oriental Institute: Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World

Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World
Edited by Amar Annus
Oriental Institute Seminars 6
Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2010

Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World

Edited by Amar Annus

Oriental Institute Seminars 6

The concept of sign, a portent observed in the physical world, which indicates future events, is found in all ancient cultures, but was first developed in ancient Mesopotamian texts. This branch of Babylonian scientific knowledge extensively influenced other parts of the world, and similar texts written in Aramaic, Sanscrit, Sogdian, and other languages. These papers are based on talks presented at the seminar Science and Superstition: Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World, held March 6-7, 2009, and investigate how much we know about the Babylonian theory and hermeneutics of omens and the scope of their possible influences on other cultures and regions.

Table of Contents:

  1. Amar Annus. On the Beginnings and Continuities of the Mesopotamian Omen Sciences
  2. Francesca Rochberg. ‘If P, then Q’: Toward a Theory of Signs in Babylonian Divination
  3. James Allen. Greek Philosophy and Signs
  4. Ulla Susanne Koch. Three Strikes and You're Out! A View on Cognitive Theory and the First-Millennium Extispicy Ritual
  5. Edward L. Shaughnessy. Arousing Images: The Poetry of Divination and the Divination of Poetry in Early China
  6. Niek Veldhuis. The Teory of Knowledge and the Practice of Celestial Divination
  7. Eckart Frahm. Reading the Tablet, the Exta, and the Body: The Hermeneutics of Cuneiform Signs in Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries and Divinatory Texts
  8. Scott B. Noegel. "Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign": Script, Power, and Interpretation in the Ancient Near East
  9. Heeßel. The Calculation of the Stipulated Term in Extispicy
  10. Abraham Winitzer. The Divine Presence and Its Interpretation in Early Mesopotamian Divination
  11. Barbara Böck. Physiognomy in Ancient Mesopotamia and Beyond: From Practice to Handbook
  12. Seth Richardson. On Seeing and Believing: Liver Divination and the Era of Warring States
  13. Cynthia Jean. Divination and Oracles at the Neo-Assyrian Palace: The Importance of Signs in Royal Ideology
  14. JoAnn Scurlock. Prophecy as a Form of Divination; Divination as a Form of Prophecy: New Light on Sennacherib at Jerusalem and Nahum
  15. John Jacobs. Traces of the Omen Series Shumma izbu in Cicero's De divinatione
  16. Martti Nissinen. Response from a Biblical Scholar: Prophecy and Divination
  • Oriental Institute Seminars 6
  • Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2010
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-885923-68-4
  • Pp. viii + 352; 10 figures, 1 table
  • $27.95
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative.

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Fragmentary Texts Project

Fragmentary Texts Collecting and representing fragments of lost authors and works

Fragmentary Texts is a project edited by Monica Berti and devoted to models and methodologies for collecting and representing Greek and Latin texts of classical antiquity that have been preserved in fragments.

By “fragments” we mean both physical fragments – as, for example, fragments of architectural elements, scraps of papyri, or broken inscriptions – and indirect fragments, i.e. quotations by surviving authors, who quote, paraphrase, summarize or allude to authors and works that have not survived. Particular attention will be given to the category of “indirect fragments”, discussing its meaning and the complexity of the reconstruction of the relationship between a textual fragment and its source of transmission.

Collecting fragments is a well-established tradition and the great enterprises of scholars from the Renaissance onward have permitted us to rediscover and preserve an inestimable cultural heritage otherwise lost and forgotten. At the same time, looking for remains of lost works is a very useful methodological exercise for practicing reconstruction on ancient testimonies, and it is also a stimulus for interdisciplinarity, given that an editor has to face a lot of problems deriving from the great variety of subjects and many different kinds of texts that usually form a collection of fragments.

New technologies and the emerging digital repositories of classical sources are providing scholars with invaluable instruments for collecting and preserving ancient texts. These resources allow classicists to deal with challenging textual cases like fragments of lost works and authors.

The main goal of this blog is to discuss models and tools for representing fragmentary texts in a digital library, building a collaborative environment for scholars and enthusiasts who are interested in the topic.


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Open Access Journal: Laetaberis: The Journal of the California Classical Association - Northenn Section

Laetaberis: The Journal of the California Classical Association - Northern Section
California Classical Association - North serves to foster the teaching and study of the Classics and to promote the professional interests of its members. By hosting academic events we create an environment for those who share a love for antiquity.

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE)

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE)
Das Projekt "Digitalisierung der ZPE" ist entstanden auf Initiative von Prof. Richard Hamilton, Bryn Mawr College. Es wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Ziel ist, sukzessive Aufsätze aus früheren Bänden der ZPE zum Download zur Verfügung zu stellen. Der Download ist nur zum persönlichen Gebrauch zulässig und vorläufig kostenlos. Das Copyright bleibt beim Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn. Zum Lesen und Drucken der heruntergeladenen Dateien wird Acrobat Reader 4.0 benötigt.

Volumes 73 (1988) - 133 (2000) are accessible online.

See also the nearly full run (moving wall) of ZPE at JSTOR

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Open Access Journal: Fennoscandia archaeologica

Fennoscandia archaeologica
Published by The Archaeological Society of Finland

The aim of this publication is to encourage discussion within the discipline and to improve the standard of archaeological research by contacts on the interdisciplinary and international levels.

Fennoscandia archaeologica has been published annually since 1984.

With index and full-text PDFs

I (1984); II (1985); III (1986); IV (1987); V (1988); VI (1989);
VII (1990); VIII (1991); IX (1992); X (1993); XI (1994) XII (1995);
XIII (1996); XIV (1997); XV (1998); XV I(1999); XVII (2000);
XVIII (2001); XIX (2002); XX (2003); XXI (2004); XXII (2005);
XXIII(2006) XXIV(2007)

All-in-one (400 MB ZIP-file containing vols. I-XXIV, 234 PDF-files)


With index and title-page PDFs

XXV (2008); XXVI (2009)

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Bibliographies: Turkish Periodicals

Milli Kütüphane Türkiye Makaleler Biblioyografyasi / National Library of Turkey Online Bibliography of Turkish Periodicals

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Monday, February 15, 2010

AWOL Administrative Note and Statistics

Last last week AWOL came to a number of milestones

Some other numbers
  • 441 entries.
  • 20 users are known to be subscribed by way of feed readers and aggregators.
  • 932 email address are subscribed through Feedburner to receive daily notifications of new content.
  • AWOL has had 91,689 page loads from 54,620 unique visitors of whom 14,587 made repeat visits [use of data distributed to email subscribers is presumably not heavily represented in these numbers since all data and links are sent for local use].
I appreciate the interest and support of those of you who use AWOL, and encourage you to comment, make suggestions, and share the content when appropriate (noting the button which now appears on all new and revised pages).

Administrative notes with user statistics have been posted in March 2012, November 2011, October 2011July 2011, April 2011, January 2011December 2010October 2010, August 2010July 2010, May 2010, and  January 2010.

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Digital Du Cange, et al., Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis. Niort : L. Favre, 1883-1887.

Du Cange, et al., Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis. Niort : L. Favre, 1883-1887.

Le Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, initialement publié par Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange (1610-1688), est un glossaire du latin médiéval, en latin moderne.

Quoi ? — Un glossaire n'est pas un dictionnaire.

  • un glossaire n’est pas un dictionnaire monolingue, par exemple, il ne comporte pas d’information grammaticale ;
  • un glossaire n’est pas un dictionnaire bilingue, les mots n’ont pas de traductions, les explications sont en latin ;
  • une glose n’est pas une définition, mais une explication courte, ou un commentaire, et parfois toute une dissertation ;
  • le latin médiéval n’est pas du latin classique (ni moderne), mais la langue écrite d’un continent pendant un millénaire ;
  • la graphie du latin médiéval a beaucoup varié selon les lieux et les siècles, un même mot peut se trouver à plusieurs endroits de l’alphabet ;
  • le Glossarium est pour moitié composé de citations, dont beaucoup sont en ancien français.

Averti de ce que le Glossarium n’est pas, le lecteur y vient généralement après avoir consulté des lexiques plus récents, notamment le Mediae latinitatis lexicon minus de Niermeyer (Leiden : Brill, 1976-…). Dans un texte médiéval, en latin (mais aussi en vernaculaire européen), beaucoup de notions résistent à la traduction, et même à la compréhension. Le du Cange peut apporter des éclairages utiles.

Qui ? — Auteurs et histoire éditoriale.

Le texte informatisé résulte d’une histoire éditoriale de deux siècles, voir par exemple Hercule Géraud, « Historique du Glossaire de la basse latinité de Du Cange » (Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, 1840).

  • (1678), le sieur du Cange publie son Glossarium en 3 tomes.
  • (1733-1736), les Bénédictins de la congrégation de Saint-Maur augmentent le contenu, en s’insérant dans le plan initial.
  • (1766), Pierre Carpentier ajoute un supplément de 4 volumes d'articles.
  • (1840-1850), Louis Henschel fond la nomenclature de Carpentier et des Bénédictins pour les éditions Didot, ajoute des articles, et réunit deux tomes d’annexes.
  • (1883-1887), Léopold Favre compose la dernière édition, réimprimée jusqu’au XXe siècle, 10 tomes.

Chaque éditeur a conservé la mémoire des ajouts par différents signes et puces. La légende en est donnée au début de chaque volume papier. Des traitements informatiques ont pu conserver cette information dans le texte numérisé, et l'afficher de manière plus lisible pour le public.

L’ensemble consultable résulte de l’édition Favre, qui s’étend sur 10 tomes, 6000 pages, dont 5000 de dictionnaire latin, 90 000 articles, 6 millions de mots. Les ajouts ont à peu près doublé la taille du texte de du Cange, généralement par de courts articles, des sous-vedettes, de nouvelles citations, et des précisions dans les références. L’histoire éditoriale a peu modifié les intentions de du Cange, si bien que l’ouvrage reste largement influencé par son auteur initial, et la lexicographie du XVIIe siècle. Ce glossaire n'est pas un dictionnaire très systématique, tant dans l'inventaire des emplois, que l'économie de la nomenclature.

Comment ? — Informatisation XML/TEI.

Cette édition électronique a été encodée en XML, selon un schéma documenté, conforme au modèle TEI P5. Une équipe pluridisciplinaire de latinistes, de lexicographes, d'historiens et d'informaticiens, garantit le soin porté au texte. L'application continuera de s'améliorer selon vos réactions et suggestions.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Open Access National Treasures Department of the Israel Antiquities Authority

National Treasures: Selected Artifacts from the Shelby White Leon Levy Center for National Treasures
The National Treasures Department of the Israel Antiquities Authority is responsible for the housing, documentation and control of antiquities in Israel. The National Treasures' collections comprise hundreds of thousands of artifacts that range from prehistoric periods to the end of the Ottoman period. Most of the artifacts are housed and catalogued in the repositories of the Shelby White and Leon Levy Center for National Treasures, and approximately 50,000 artifacts are on loan at archaeological exhibitions in Israel and abroad.

This on-line site offers a selection of published artifacts from the collections of the National Treasures and is available for researchers, curators, students and the general public in Israel and abroad. This site is updated continuously, and new artifacts are added on a regular basis.

The artifacts on the site are arranged both chronologically (according to archaeological periods) and typologically (according to the type of artifact), allowing either a gradual guided entry through the main title pages to the artifact's information card, or directly to the artifact's information card using an advanced search box.

The artifact's information card presents detailed archaeological data about the selected artifact, including provenance, type, dimensions, material, site where discovered, dating and bibliography. In addition, hi-resolution images of on-line artifacts may be purchased on-line from the photographic archives of the Israel Antiquities Authority.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Announcement: New Technology for Digitization of Ancient Objects and Documents

New Technology for Digitization of Ancient Objects and Documents; joint project of the Archaeological Computing Research Group (ACRG) and the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), Southampton and the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD), Oxford, the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), Los Angeles-Philadelphia-Oxford-Berlin, and the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), Oxford.


We are pleased to announce the award of a 12-month grant under the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Digital Equipment and Database Enhancement for Impact (DEDEFI) scheme to develop a “Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) System for Ancient Documentary Artefacts”.

The project is a collaboration between Dr. Graeme Earl (ACRG) and Dr. Kirk Martinez (ECS) of the University of Southampton, and Professor Alan Bowman and Dr Charles Crowther (CSAD) and Dr Jacob Dahl (Oriental Studies) from the University of Oxford. In the course of the next year, the team will develop two RTI systems to capture images of documentary texts and archaeological material. The partners in the project share a commitment to opening digital access to cultural heritage; results will be made publicly available through the development and use of open source software to process the outputs of the RTI systems, allowing other researchers to take advantage of the new technology.

RTI technology enables the capture of detailed surface properties from high-resolution still or video images. The RTI systems developed by the project will allow researchers to study documentary and other artefacts remotely in great detail without being restricted by fixed lighting angles. The result will be to ensure that high-quality digital versions of these materials can be consulted by scholars worldwide.

In the piloting phase of the project, RTI technology will be tested on a selection of documents including Vindolanda stilus tablets, stone inscriptions, Linear B and cuneiform tablets in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and cuneiform tablets in other collections across the UK. It will also include capture of a broad range of archaeological materials, focusing on a number of particularly high-impact artefacts, in order to raise the public profile of open access, and of open source-driven RTI technology. The project includes a broad range of advisors and partners from across the arts, humanities and sciences, drawn from academia, industry, local government and the third sector. In the longer term, the new digital resources that will be created will be fed into and will add value to existing digital corpora such as those managed by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS), CSAD, CDLI and ETCSL, and will contribute towards the broadest possible academic and general public access to cultural heritage collections in the UK and beyond.

Dr. Jacob L. Dahl
Oriental Institute
University of Oxford

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Open Access Biblical Text

Open Scriptures
Open Scriptures seeks to be a comprehensive open-source Web repository for integrated scriptural data and a general application framework for building internationalized social applications of scripture. An abundance of scriptural resources are now available online—manuscripts, translations, and annotations are all being made available by students and scholars alike at an ever-increasing rate. These diverse scriptural resources, however, are isolated from each other and fragmented across the Internet. Thus mashing up the available data into new scriptural applications is not currently possible for the community at large because the resources’ interrelationships are not systematically documented. Open Scriptures aims to establish a scriptural database for interlinked textual resources such as merged manuscripts, the differences among them, and the links between their semantic units and the semantic units of their translations. With such a foundation in place, derived scriptural data like cross-references may be stored in a translation-neutral and internationalized manner so as to be accessible to the community no matter what language they speak or version they prefer.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

ASCSA Digital Library

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens Digital Library
[And see the February 12, 2010 press release]
Since 1881 the American School has amassed a large collection of both published and unpublished information. This includes books, journals, photographs, notebooks, personal papers, maps, and scientific data sets. More and more of these resources are now in electronic form. This page provides a central point of access to the major digital resources of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

The digital library currently provides access to the archaeological data from the Athenian Agora and Corinth together with a selection of photographs from the Alison Frantz Collection. You can use the index of categories to the left [see below] to browse this data, or search using the toolbar above. Material which has been published is made completely available to the public. Material which is unpublished is only available to researchers who have already obtained the necessary permission to study the material in person.

Athenian Agora Excavations
Excavations in the Athenian Agora are formally published through the Athenian Agora monograph series and articles in Hesperia, the journal of the American School. A number of digital resources are also made available free-of-charge for teaching and resource purposes. With the support of the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) the Agora excavation have been involved over the last decade in an ambitious program of digitizing older materials and experimenting with the use of new technology to record continuing excavations. The Excavations Databases provide a valuable research tool for scholars far beyond the Stoa of Attalos.

Corinth Excavations
The archive from nearly continuous excavation spanning three centuries is vast and this digital library provides on-line access to a significant portion of it. Excavation journals, photographs and architectural drawings contained herein document not only the history and archaeology of Ancient Corinth, but reveal much about the modern village, its inhabitants and the excavators. Using day journal diaries, archaeologists began recording finds, monuments and excavation, as well as their daily life in Greece. Often their thoughts and personalities are evident on the pages. More recent notebooks are more ‘objective’ and standardized but offer no less to the interested reader. Photographs, including an extensive collection of glass plate negatives, focused on deep excavation trenches, ancient monuments, and magnificent objects, but also shed light on the workmen and the changing landscape of Ancient Corinth. The collection of drawings includes maps, monuments and archaeological renderings, and provides glimpses into ancient topography, architecture and construction. The scanning and cataloguing of a quarter million digital objects was made possible by the Greek Ministry of Culture and the Third Information Society program of the European Union.

Alison Frantz Photographic Collection
The Alison Frantz Photographic Collection contains images by the photographer and archaeologist Alison Frantz (1903 - 1995). The photographs mainly depict Archaic and Classical sculpture, Greek archaeological sites and various finds. The collection was created between the late 1940’s and the early 1970’s. The images have illustrated numerous publications, among them: Korai, Greek Archaic Maidens (Gisela M. A. Richter, 1968); The Archaic Gravestones of Attica (Gisela M. A. Richter, 1961); Olympia, The Sculptures of the Temple of Zeus (Bernard Ashmole and Nicholas Yalouris, 1967) and The Parthenon Frieze (Martin Robertson and Alison Frantz, 1975).

See also: Open Access Publications: Publications of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Open Access Publications of the École Française de Rome at Persée

Go here

The Online Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon

The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon

The CAL is a text base of the Aramaic texts in all dialects from the earliest (9th Century BCE) through the 13th Century CE, currently with a database of approximately 2.5 million lexically parsed words, and an associated set of electronic tools for analyzing and manipulating the data, whose ultimate goal is the creation of a complete lexicon of the language. IT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS, not a completed dictionary. Accordingly, any citations for scholarly purposes should include the date when the data was found.

Frequently Asked Questions

Friday, February 5, 2010

Open Access Journal: Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana

Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana
South America is an active region in the production of archaeological knowledge and in the formulation of alternative approaches to the past, both from a disciplinary and a contextual point of view. Yet, there was no written medium to disseminate the cultural production of the sub-continent related to the discourses on the past based on objects. That is the reason behind the collective work of South American archaeologists for the creation of a new journal, Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana, published by the Department of Anthropology, Universidad del Cauca (Colombia) and the Ph.D. Program on Social Sciences of the School of Humanities of the Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Argentina), with the support of the World Archaeological Congress. According to WAC purposes, the journal aims to promote and spread the production of archaeology and related disciplines in South America, emphasizing a critical perspective that allows a dialogue with representations about the past that have been traditionally marginalized from academic spaces. The journal hopes to create bridges of understanding, communication, and discussion between the two large South American worlds, Brazil and the Spanish-speaking countries, which have consistently ignored each other for so long. It is sad that the barrier of two similar languages have split the sub-continent in such a way, especially because South American countries share similar problems and possibilities that can be tackled with collective enterprises, such as this one, that strive go beyond the borders erected by the deliberate ignorance of the others. Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana is an international, peer reviewed journal published twice a year (January and July). The journal publishes papers on archaeology or related disciplines discussing issues whose geographical or geopolitical locus is South America . Contributions can be sent to the following account: Subscriptions can also be solicited by writing to that account.
Volume 1, Number 1Volume 1, Number 1Volume 1, Number 1
Volume 1, Number 2Volume 1, Number 2Volume 1, Number 2
Volume 2, Number 1Volume 2, Number 1Volume 2, Number 1
Volume 2, Number 2 Volume 2, Number 2Volume 2, Number 2
Volume 3, Number 1 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 3, Number 1
Volume 3, Number 2 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 3, Number 1
Volume 4, Number 1 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 3, Number 1
Volume 4, Number 2 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 4, Number 2
Volume 5, Number 1 Volume 5, Number 1Volume 5, Number 1

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

Multidisciplinary and Discipline-Specific Collections at JSTOR
The following journals have been added to the JSTOR archive. More detailed information about titles and collections, along with delimited lists, can be accessed from JSTOR's Available Collections page.

International Journal of the Classical Tradition
(Arts & Sciences VIII)
Release Content: Vol. 1, No. 1 (Summer, 1994) – Vol. 13, No. 2 (Fall, 2006)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1073-0508

Journal Description: The first journal exclusively dedicated to the reception of Greek and Roman antiquity by other cultures, from the ancient world to the present time, International Journal of Classical Tradition's primary focus is on the creative use of the ancient Greco-Roman heritage in a broad range of scholarly endeavors. Articles are published in five languages. The journal includes articles, short notes, research reports, review articles, and news of the field. The official journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition.
Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici (Arts & Sciences VIII)
Release Content: Nos. 1-53 (1978-2004)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: Fabrizio Serra editore
ISSN: 0392-6338

Journal Description: The journal, MD has contributed enormously to the methodological renewal of classical philology studies, reviving and renewing the most effective and respected techniques of the last two centuries, from traditional philology to contemporary hermeneutics. MD first came out in 1978, at the initiative of a team of young Italian Classical scholars. The most signal among them were the Latinists Gian Biagio Conte and Alessandro Barchiesi, and the anthropologist Maurizio Bettini. The Board soon became International, attracting especially what were then avanguard scholars engaged in bringing poststructuralist literary criticism to the study of Classical texts. Today MD typically includes studies of literary criticism alongside shorter notes and studies of the textual transmission of the Classics. Each issue numbers between 200 and 220 pages, and the total number of pages so far has reached 15,000 pages.

Moving Wall Reduction
The moving wall for the following title has been reduced from 5 years to 3 years at the request of the publisher.

The Annual of the British School at Athens
(Arts & Sciences V)
Release Content: Vols. 100-101 (2005-2006)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: The British School at Athens
ISSN: 0068-2454

Previously Missing Issues
The following previously missing issues have been added to the JSTOR archive.

Classics Ireland (Ireland)
Release Content: Vol. 9 (2002)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Classical Association of Ireland
ISSN: 0791-9417
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society (Ireland)
Release Content: Vol. 12, No. 3/4 (1924/1925);
Vol. 54 (2002)
Moving Wall: 4 years
Publisher: Galway Archaeological & Historical Society
ISSN: 0332-415X
Speculum (Arts & Sciences I; Language & Literature)
Release Content: Vol. 49, Index (1974)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: The Medieval Academy of America
ISSN: 0038-7134

The Ancient World in JSTOR: AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Open Access Journal: Archaeologia Polona

Archaeologia Polona: Journal of Archaeology
Archaeologia Polona is a Polish archaeological journal edited and published in the English language annually by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, intended for an international audience. Its main purpose is to present a wide range of various approaches to the most important problems of contemporary archaeology.

It was established in 1958 with intention to popularize Polish archaeology abroad by publishing translations of the most important papers which previously were published in Polish in journals edited by the Institute, mostly in "Archeologia Polski". Until 1990 the journal was published by the Ossolineum Publishing House.
Vols 1 (1958) - 40 (2002) available in full text, subsequent volumes in abstract.

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Open Access Journal: Archaeology Southwest

Archaeology Southwest
Our award-winning, full-color magazine explores topical issues in the archaeology of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. The magazine is published quarterly. Back issues prior to 2004 are available in PDF format for free from the menu on the right. For a one-year subscription and unlimited access to more recent issues, join the Center today! Current members, please note: until further notice, please contact Membership Coordinator Kate Sarther Gann for PDFs of recent back issues of Archaeology Southwest.
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: Acta Orientalia Vilnensia

Acta Orientalia Vilnensia
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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