Saturday, January 23, 2010

Indica et Buddhica

Indica et Buddhica

What is Indica et Buddhica?

Last modified: 06/24/2009 12:01 AM
What does the Indica et Buddhica: Materials for Indology and Buddhology web site consist of?
Attached file: ieb_purpose.txt 3.92 Kb

Site membership:

1500+ registered members: the majority faculty and post graduates.

Site contents:

  1. Indica et Buddhica: -- provides resources for Indologists and Buddhologists; as the top level domain, this is the public portal or entrance to the site.
  2. Tabulae: Tables of Contents for Indology and Buddhology: -- increases the availability and usefulness of online journals containing Indological and Buddhological material; links, aggregated feeds and bibliographical data makes this material easier to find, access and use.
  3. Scholia: Indological and Buddhological Scholarship: -- enables researchers to catalogue, store and retrieve bibliographical materials, including data on articles, books, images, theses, software, working papers and so on; records can be viewed and downloaded in various formats including BibTeX, EndNote, RIS, and Dublin Core.
  4. Catalogus Bibliothecarum: A Catalogue of Collections: -- a virtual union catalogue providing central access to over 130 library servers with significant Indological and Buddhological collections; enables users to conveniently locate and obtain records with a single interface; records can be viewed and downloaded in various bibliographical formats.
  5. Lexica: Sanskrit, Tibetan and English: -- an interface giving access to definitions from two Sanskrit to Tibetan word lists and Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary; remote client access is available using the Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT).
  6. Philologica: Machine Readable Texts: -- provides machine readable texts and digital instruments for philological research; a full text search, retrieval, and analysis system is available for a collection of Sanskrit texts, including the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
  7. Repositorium: A Storage Place for Materials: -- a digital archive designed to capture, store, index, preserve, and distribute materials pertinent to Indology and Buddhology; holds materials for the study of Nagarjuna and Santideva, a manuscript catalogue, and Sanskrit and Tibetan lexica.

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