Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

Multidisciplinary and Discipline-Specific Collections at JSTOR
The following journals have been added to the JSTOR archive. More detailed information about JSTOR titles and collections, along with delimited lists, can be accessed from JSTOR's Available Collections page

Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (Arts & Sciences VI)

Release Content:
Vol. 1, No. 1 (Winter, 2005) – Vol. 2, No. 3 (2006)
|Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Indiana University Press
ISSN: 1552-5864
Note: The content for Vol. 2, No. 2 (2006) will be released as soon as the issue becomes available to JSTOR.

Papers of the British School at Rome (Arts & Sciences VIII)

Release Content:
Vol. 1, No. 1 (1902) – Vol. 74 (2006)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: The British School at Rome
ISSN: 0068-2462

The Journal of Field Archaeology Ceases Participation in JSTOR

As of March 30, 2010, JSTOR ceased adding additional content for the Journal of Field Archaeology. The journal was acquired by Maney Publishing, which is not a JSTOR participating publisher.

The complete JSTOR holdings for this title are:

Journal of Field Archaeology (Arts & Sciences II)
Released Content:1974-2006 (Vols. 1-31)
Publisher: Boston University, for the volumes held in JSTOR. Publisher from 2010 forward is Maney Publishing.
ISSN: 0093-4690
Note: Coverage for this title ends with Volume 31, 2006.

No further volumes will be added to JSTOR. Current participants in the Arts & Sciences II collection will continue to have access to the archived back run of the Journal of Field Archaeology, with coverage ending with Volume 31 (2006). This includes participants in the Public Library Collection I, as well as Secondary Schools, Museums, and African Access Initiative and Developing Nations Access Initiative participants. As of March 30, 2010, JSTOR no longer provides access to the Journal of Field Archaeology for new participants in these collections and programs.

Please be assured that no content will be removed from the archive. JSTOR will continue to preserve the Journal of Field Archaeology volumes from 1974 to 2006. Persistent links to articles in the journal from online resources and web pages will be supported indefinitely. JSTOR will continue to preserve the Journal of Field Archaeology content under its care and will migrate the content to new technologies, and institutions can rely on its ongoing preservation, access, and use over time.

Updates for Current Issues Links

History of Religions (Arts & Sciences III)

Release Content:
Vol. 46, No. 4 (May, 2007) – Vol. 49, No. 1 (August, 2009)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISSN: 0018-2710

The Ancient World in JSTOR: AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

ILIESI’s Digital Archives of PHilosophical texts on the NET

Daphnet, the ILIESI’s Digital Archives of PHilosophical texts on the NET, is a portal that gives access to digital platforms dedicated to relevant authors and texts belonging to the history of scientific and philosophical thought. These platforms are characterized by some common aspects: They primarily aim at giving access to primary sources, eventually complemented by secondary sources and critical instruments; they can include both facsimiles and transcriptions of manuscripts and printed texts; they are based on open-source programmes and standard encoding (i.e. html, XLM,...); the text of these platforms can be semantically enriched. Moreover, the platforms are interoperable, open to the collaboration of the scholars, and they are certified by a board of reviewers.

Presocratics Source
Presocratics Source presents the transcription of the famous collection of Presocratic thinkers in ninety chapters originally edited by H. Diels and W. Kranz (Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, ed. by H. Diels-W. Kranz, 3 vols., Weidmann, Berlin, 19582), with the parallel Italian translation edited by G. Giannantoni (I Presocratici. Testimonianze e frammenti, a cura di G. Giannantoni, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 19832).

Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae Source
Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae Source presents the transcription of the collection of testimonies about Socrates and Socratics (Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae) originally edited by G. Giannantoni.

Diogenes Laertius Source
Diogenes Laertius Source presents the transcription of Lives and opinions of eminent Philosophers in ten books. Collation of the editions of R. D. Hicks, H. S. Long, M. Marcovich and the Italian translation of M. Gigante with parallel Greek text restored on the bases of his philological notes. The site enable users to access texts, exploit resources, and perform queries. Notes, additional information and a legenda for a better access to the texts are also available.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Ancient World Journals in "British Periodicals"

British Periodicals
British Periodicals traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond. On completion this unique digital archive will consist of more than 460 periodical runs published from the 1680s to the 1930s, comprising six million keyword-searchable pages and forming an unrivalled record of more than two centuries of British history and culture...
The Ancient World is covers in the following journals in the collection. These are not open access journals.

The Antiquary
Coverage: 1880-1915

Archaeologia cambrensis
Coverage: 1846-1905

Archaeological review
Coverage: 1888-1890

The Illustrated archaeologist
Coverage: 1893-1894

Jewish quarterly review
Coverage: 1888-190

The Journal of classical and sacred philology
Coverage: 1854-1859
Coverage: 1888-1908

The Museum of classical antiquities : a quarterly journal of ancient art
Coverage: 1851-1853

The Reliquary and illustrated archaeologist : a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of early pagan and christian antiquities of Great Britain
Previous Title(s): The Relinquary : quarterly archaeological journal and review / July 1863-Oct. 1894
The Reliquary : quarterly journal and review / July 1861-Apr. 1863
The Relinquary : a depository of precious relics / July 1860-Apr. 1861
Coverage: 1860-1909

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP)

The Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP)

...The Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP) was established to facilitate and rejuvenate Genizah research. It is achieving this goal by locating the Genizah manuscripts and then identifying, cataloging, transcribing, translating, rendering them into digital format (i.e., photographing) and publishing them online. FGP is operating in a joint venture with the Jewish Manuscript Preservation Society of Toronto, Canada.
The high-resolution digital images of the manuscripts (600 DPI, or dots per inch, the standard set by the Research Libraries International Organization) are, in a certain sense, "better" than the original manuscript because they can be visually enhanced by computer-generated viewing tools and can be accessed from any computer with internet access at the FGP's online research platform.
The huge academic interest generated by FGP is evidenced by the fact that the most prestigious university libraries in the world have signed copyright agreements with FGP, are participating in the project and are sharing their invaluable manuscript collections with the world...
...In May 2008, FGP released a fully-operational version of its online research platform, where it is now possible to view over 100,000 digitized images of Genizah manuscripts.
In October 2009 The Friedberg Genizah Project entered into a joint venture agreement with the Jewish Manuscript Preservation Society of Toronto, Canada.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The following message was distributed by email this morning to members of the APA and is reproduced here with permission (hyperlinks added).
Dear APA Member:

We are very pleased to announce that L'ANNÉE PHILOLOGIQUE on the
Internet (APh Online)
now has a new and more powerful user interface.
Here are some of its most important new features:

• A Quick Search screen now appears on the initial page and is available
on all subsequent screens.

• A single screen presents all available indices and filters for
advanced searches.

• Each page of search results can be sorted by Author, Title, or
Publication Date.

• An AJAX script makes indices for modern and ancient authors more
powerful. As the user starts typing in the text box, a list of possible
selections begins to appear, and the list is refined as each letter is
added or removed.

• More options are available for exporting records including: text file,
PDF File, RIS Format, and RefWorks.

• Users can save searches, records, and personal parameters such as
sorting options, number of results per page, and e-mail address.

• APh Online has migrated to OpenURL 1.0 which facilitates rapid
"clicking through" to an electronic version of modern scholarship cited
in an APh record such as a full-text article in JStor.

We are very grateful to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for its generous
grant of $48,000 to support the planning of these upgrades, which were
designed by Prof. Eric Rebillard, Director and Editor of APh Online,
with input from Classics librarians and colleagues from the Cornell
University Library.

I am also pleased to report that APA members can look forward to another
major improvement in the near future. The Mellon Foundation has just
awarded the APA a major grant ($215,000) to create the Classical Works
Knowledge Base (CWKB), a relational database and link resolver that will
allow users of APh Online to "click through" from citations of ancient
texts in an APh record to online versions of those texts, i.e., to do
for ancient texts what is already possible for modern ones. Prof.
Rebillard will also direct this project in collaboration with Cornell
librarians David Ruddy and Adam Chandler. A fuller description of the
project and a prototype can be found at cwkb.org.

And in the latest development, a planning grant from the Samuel H. Kress
has made it possible for Prof. Rebillard to begin exploring
the possibility of linking from images cited in L'ANNÉE records to
online versions of the images themselves. I hope to have good news
about this initiative by the end of my Presidency this Winter.

As the Director of the Database of Classical Bibliography project, which
was completed last year, I am particularly pleased to see how the
earliest CDROMs, published by the APA in the 1980's, have been
transformed into an up-to-date, web-based resource for the 21st century.
Members must understand that our ability to continue to bring this kind
of major improvement to the field of Classics depends on the success of
the current Gateway campaign. If we cannot continue to operate the
American Office of L'ANNÉE after the current NEH funding ends, we will
be unable to influence the further development of this vital scholarly

The Gateway campaign's Endowment for Classics Research and Teaching will
be able to serve both immediate needs like those of the American Office
and future needs that we cannot yet envision. If you have not yet made
a pledge to the Gateway campaign, it is very important that you do so
now. If you have already made a contribution, won’t you consider
increasing it? Visit the APA web site (www.apaclassics.org) and click on
Support APA at the top of the page to learn how to make your pledge
either online or by mail.

Thank you very much for your attention to this message and for your
support of the APA.

Dee L. Clayman
April 21, 2010


P.S. The Winter 2010 Newsletter is now posted on the APA web site in
two formats:



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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Live Online: Kosmos conference, beginning Wednesday 21 April 2010


will be held at the University of Copenhagen , 19-23 April 2010
on the theme


Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age

KOSMOS will address the issues of jewellery, costumes, aesthetics, body adornment, colours, dyes and pigments, textile production, luxury and exotics, gender and femininity/masculinity, as well as their social, religious, ideological, economic, technological, administrative and philological connections.

The Conference is being organized by the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research (CTR), University of Copenhagen, and by the University of Liège. The proceedings of the conference will be published in Aegaeum. Annales d'archéologie égéenne de l'Université de Liège.

The 13th Kosmos conference will take place mainly online, as most of the participants are unable to make it to Copenhagen because of the volcano.

Hear the message from Marie-Louise and Robert about the new format for the conference.

During the Kosmos conference you can chat with the other participants and presenters around the world.

The chatwindow is located below the Kosmos livestream (on the same page), or you can open the chat in a separate chat window and have the two windows side-by-side for a better overview.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Interesting new information architecture at Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians made the following announcement in early March 2010:
The Society of Architectural Historians has launched JSAH online, the new multimedia edition of its acclaimed journal, JSAH. Click here to see a sample article from the new online journal. For access to the full multimedia issue and JSAH 1941-2010, join SAH today. Developed in partnership with University of California Press and JSTOR, JSAH online has been under development for more than two years and has been made possible by two grants from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. SAH is indebted to JSAH Editor, David Brownlee, and JSAH Online Founding Editor, Hilary Ballon, for their expert development of this innovative journal that pairs scholarly text with film, video, 3D models overlayed on Google Earth maps, sound, QTVR panoramic photographs, and zoomable images. An article in Inside Higher Ed calls the innovative new architecture publication, "Online Journal 2.0"
It is also mentioned in the The Art History Newsletter.

At the moment the new technology is in use on a single open access article:
Constructing Melchior Lorichs's Panorama of Constantinople
by Nigel Westbrook, Kenneth Rainsbury Dark, Rene van Meeuwen
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians,
Vol. 69, No. 1, March 2010, pp. 62-87 .
I haven't yet deciphered the delivery options. It looks as though the version at CALIBER does not include the digital enhancement, and JSTOR is still maintaining a three year moving wall. Aside from the single open access article, the remaining content at http://jsah.ucpress.jstor.org/loi/jsah appears to be available exclusively to members of the Society of Architectural Historians.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One Off Journal Issues: Open Access Anniversary issue of Geoarchaeology

25 Papers from 25 Years: A Special Virtual Issue of Geoarchaeology, April 2010

Edited by Jamie Woodward, Gary Huckleberry, Paul Goldberg and Rolfe Mandel
This collection has been compiled to mark the publication of the 25th volume of Geoarchaeology. It was launched in St Louis on April 15th 2010 at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The broad aim was to produce a Virtual Special Issue of 25 papers to showcase some of the most important and influential papers that have been published in the journal over the last 25 years. At the same time, a key objective was to ensure that, as far as possible, the collection covered all areas of geoarchaeology and was broadly representative of the journal's history. We have combined qualitative and quantitative data to assemble this Virtual Issue by canvassing all of the journal's Associate Editors (inviting them to identify the most influential papers in their respective fields), and by using citation data (as one measure of impact in the wider academy) to fine tune the list. The selected papers are listed in chronological order and present a diversity of theories, models, approaches, and empirical datasets derived from research across six continents. We anticipate that this Virtual Issue will be of use to both students and researchers, and we hope it will generate debate. It is a fitting way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Geoarchaeology: An International Journal.
Late Quaternary environmental history of the southern Levant
Paul Goldberg

Rates of fluvial sedimentation: Implications for archaeological variability
C. Reid Ferring

Paleorivers and geoarchaeology in the southern Egyptian Sahara
William P. McHugh, John F. McCauley, C. Vance Haynes, Carol S. Breed, Gerald G. Schaber

A "marginality" model to explain major spatial and temporal gaps in the old and new world Pleistocene settlement records
Karl W. Butzer

Impact of hydro-isostatic Holocene sea-level change on the geologic context of Island archaeological sites, Northern Ha'apai group, Kingdom of Tonga
William R. Dickinson, David V. Burley, Richard Shutler Jr.

Geochronology of paleoenvironmental change, clovis type site, Blackwater Draw, New Mexico
C. Vance Haynes Jr.

Short-term, post-burial change in a humic rendzina soil, Overton Down Experimental Earthwork, Wiltshire, England
J. Crowther, R. I. Macphail, G. M. Cruise

Solving archaeological problems using techniques of soil magnetism
Rinita A. Dalan, Subir K. Banerjee

Evaluating artifact burial by Eolian versus Bioturbation processes, South Carolina sandhills, USA
David S. Leigh

Soil constraints on Northwest Yucatán, Mexico: Pedoarchaeology and Maya Subsistence at Chunchucmil
Timothy Beach

The Loess/Paleosol record and the nature of the Younger Dryas climate in central China
David B. Madsen, Li Jingzen, Robert G. Elston, Xu Cheng, Robert L. Bettinger, Geng Kan, P. Jeff Brantingham, Zhong Kan

A reinterpretation of the Great Pit at Hofstaoir, Iceland using sediment thin section micromorphology
Ian A. Simpson, Karen B. Milek, Garðar Guðmundsson

The evolution of Paleoindian geochronology and typology on the Great Plains
Vance T. Holliday

Prehistoric shepherds and caves in the Trieste Karst (Northeastern Italy)
Giovanni Boschian, Emanuela Montagnari-Kokelj

Geochronology and climate change of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the Darb el Arba'in Desert, Eastern Sahara
C. Vance Haynes Jr.

The sedimentary records in Mediterranean rockshelters and caves: Archives of environmental change
Jamie C. Woodward, Paul Goldberg

The microstratigraphic record of abrupt climate changes in cave sediments of the Western Mediterranean
Marie-Agnès Courty, Josep Vallverduc

Darwin would be proud: Bioturbation, dynamic denudation, and the power of theory in science
D. L. Johnson

The effects of temporal and spatial patterns of Holocene erosion and alluviation on the archaeological record of the Central and Eastern Great Plains, U.S.A.
E. Arthur Bettis III, Rolfe D. Mandel

Dynamic landscapes, artifact taphonomy, and landuse modeling in the western Mediterranean
C. Michael Barton, Joan Bernabeu, J. Emili Aura, Oreto Garcia, Neus La Roca

Geoarchaeology of the Kostenki-Borshchevo sites, Don River Valley, Russia
Vance T. Holliday, John F. Hoffecker, Paul Goldberg, Richard I. Macphail, Steven L. Forman, Mikhail Anikovich, Andrei Sinitsyn

Biogeochemical studies of a Native American runoff agroecosystem
Jonathan A. Sandor, Jay B. Norton, Jeffrey A. Homburg, Deborah A. Muenchrath, Carleton S. White, Stephen E. Williams, Celeste I. Havener, Peter D. Stahl

Identification of lime plaster in prehistory using petrographic methods: A review and reconsideration of the data on the basis of experimental and case studies
Panagiotis Karkanas

The surface archaeological record in arid Australia: Geomorphic controls on preservation, exposure, and visibility
Patricia C. Fanning, Simon J. Holdaway, Ed J. Rhodes, Tessa G. Bryant

Mid-Pleistocene pozzolanic volcanic ash in ancient Roman concretes
Marie Jackson, Daniel Deocampo, Fabrizio Marra, Barry Scheetz

Other one off journals in AWOL are here, here, here, here, here, here

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Complete Cambridge Histories Online

While it is not open access, many readers will be happy to see the 260 volumes of the:

Complete Cambridge Histories Online

This established and essential component of the academic research library is now easily accessible online for the first time. This diverse, up to date and authoritative collection is unique to Cambridge Histories Online and offers vastly improved accessibility to the print editions published since the 1960s.

The unique content along with the enhanced usability and functionality is extremely beneficial to any type of historical research and makes this a must have resource for anyone researching or studying a subject that has an historical element.

Available as an institutional one time only purchase, it allows unlimited concurrent users, meaning anyone who wants to may access the resource 24 hours a day. Cambridge Histories Online is also a dynamic resource, being continually updated with new volumes taken from the print series as soon as they become available.

Key Features:

  • Contains over 250 volumes published since 1960, equating to around 196,000 pages of unrivalled scholarship
  • Unique & dynamic content
  • Covers over 15 different academic subjects
  • Search and browse content (basic & advanced search and a content specific browse)
  • Personalisation including, saved & most recent searches, workspaces and bookmarks
  • Citation export functionality
  • Comprehensive librarian support resources including, COUNTER compliant usage statistics, library branding, MARC records and title lists
  • User display control features including, switchable hit term highlighting, pagination of results and the ability to control the number of hits per page
  • Extensive bibliographic reference functionality; fully referenced content with all references displayed, OpenURL compliant and linked online through CrossRef

If you would like to find out more, sign up for a free 30 day trial or take a tour of Cambridge Histories Online.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hugoye Special Volume: Philoxenos of Mabbug

Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute sends news that it has just published a new issue of its peer-reviewed academic periodical Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies (Vol. 13, No. 1):

Special Volume: Philoxenos of Mabbug

Introduction to the Double Issue on Philoxenos of Mabbug.
David A. Michelson, University of Alabama


New Evidence on the Philoxenian Version of the New Testament and Nicene Creed.
Daniel King, Cardiff University

La Vierge Mère de Dieu dans la pensée de Philoxène de Mabboug.
P. Roger-Youssef Akhrass, Seminaire De Theologie De St. Ephrem, Maarat Saydnaya

The Lust of the Belly is the Beginning of All Sin. Practical Theology of Asceticism in the Discourses of Philoxenos of Mabbug.
Robert A. Kitchen, Knox-Metropolitan United Church

Philoxène de Mabboug. Homélies. Introduction, traduction et notes par Eugène Lemoine.
Robert A. Kitchen, Knox-Metropolitan United Church

Conference Reports

Reconsidering Philoxenos of Mabbug, Princeton, Saturday, May 3, 2008

Report on SBL 2009 Annual Meeting: International Syriac Language Project sessions.

The Letter of Mara Bar Serapion in Context, Utrecht University, 10–12 December 2009.

Book Reviews

J.W. Childers and D.C. Parker, Transmission and Reception: New Testament Text-critical and Exegetical Studies.
Craig E. Morrison, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome

Christine Shephardson, Anti-Judaism and Christian Orthodoxy. Ephrem’s Hymns in Fourth-Century Syria.
J. W. Childers, Abilene Christian University

W.Th. van Peursen, Language and Interpretation in the Syriac Text of Ben Sira: A Comparative Linguistic and Literary Study.
Paul S. Stevenson, Catholic University of America


Recent Books on Syriac Topics.
Sebastian P. Brock, Oxford University

Annotated Bibliography of Syriac Studies in Russian, 2009.
Nikolai N. Seleznyov, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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One Off Journal Issues: Histoire urbaine

Histoire urbaine
ISBN 2914350104

La Société Française d’Histoire Urbaine a tenu son assemblée constitutive le 21 novembre 1998. Cette société est une association (loi 1901) dont les statuts sont déposés à la préfecture de Paris. Elle a pour vocation de rassembler tous ceux qui abordent le fait urbain dans son historicité. Elle se définit par conséquent moins par un ancrage disciplinaire que par des pratiques scientifiques communes. Elle a pour objectif de favoriser les échanges et les débats entre ses membres et de promouvoir la connaissance et la diffusion de l’Histoire urbaine.
While it occasionally has contributions on antiquity, readers of AWOL are directed in particular to n° 10, 2004/2:

Violence et expression du pouvoir dans l’espace urbain de l’Antiquité au haut Moyen Âge
Michèle Gaillard et Michel Humm Présentation
Violaine Sebillotte-Cuchet Ville et terre-patrie : les Sept contre Thèbes d'Eschyle
Évelyne Scheid-Tissinier Classe dirigeante, classe dangereuse ? Une représentation des élites dans l'Athènes du IVe siècle
Michel Humm Le mundus et le Comitium : représentations symboliques de l'espace de la cité
Yann Rivière Les batailles de Rome Présence militaire et guérilla urbaine à l'époque impériale
Valérie (D)Huet La représentation de la rixe de l'amphithéâtre de Pompéi : une préfiguration de l'« hooliganisme » ?
Brigitte Beaujard Les violences et les saints dans les villes de l'Antiquité tardive
Michèle Gaillard La présence épiscopale dans la ville du haut Moyen Âge : sanctuaires et processions
Vincent (D)Gourdon et al. L'ondoiement en paroisse à Paris au XIXe siècle
[ Résumé ][ Version HTML ][ Version PDF ]
Other one off journals in AWOL are here, here, here, here, here, here

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Opendig: Open Access Archaeological Data


At opendig.org we are endeavoring to offer a place for any archaeological excavation to host their dig notes online.

Imagine a place where you can search not only your own site for information, but also sites in the same region, same time period, or just limit it to two or three neighboring sites. This is what we hope to create, but this can only happen with your participation. If you’d like to come on board and host your notes here or if you already have an online database setup, please let us know so we can link to it, and if you have it setup with a RESTful XML resource, then we’ll go ahead and add it to our search capabilities.

opendig.org grew out of the project that was created to get Tall al-’Umayri’s dig database online. The idea came to me that it would be a good place to offer room for other projects’ databases if they were interested. The team would love to see this list grow in the near future!

Tall al-’Umayri

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Monday, April 5, 2010

ETHoS: Electronic Thesis Online Service

ETHoS: Electronic Thesis Online Service
The aim of EThOS is:
  • To offer a 'single point of access' where researchers the world over can access ALL theses produced by UK Higher Education
  • To support Higher Education Institutions through the transition from print to e-theses
  • To help UK Higher Education Institutions expand available content by digitising paper theses
  • To demonstrate the quality of UK research and help attract students and research investment into UK HE
To achieve this, EThOS offers a coherent and consistent interface by implementing a central 'hub' comprising an e-store and a digitisation suite at The British Library site in Boston Spa, Yorkshire. The hub automatically harvests e-theses from Institutional Repositories and digitises paper theses from participating institutions to offer the single point of access..

Many UK institutions support Open Access to their theses, so download of their digital and digitised theses is free to the researcher. A small number of participating institutions may not be able to offer Open Access and in this case the researcher may have to pay for the digitisation.

Where a thesis must be digitised before supply, you can expect a short delay. However, you will be informed when the thesis is ready for collection and you can then log on to the system and download it.

EThOS can only offer the theses of participating institutions. While we expect a large number of institutions to take part, we cannot supply from an institutions which chooses not to. In this case, you should approach the institution's library directly to gain access to a thesis.
Search ETHoS (and note that you can limit your search to items available for immediate download)

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