Sunday, May 31, 2009

Interesting News: Pronetos Founders Launch Open Access Press

Pronetos Founders Launch Open Access Press

May 30, 2009 – 2:04 pm

Seeking to fill a void in the scholarly publications realm, the founders of Pronetos are this week issuing a sneak preview of Open Access Press. Open Access Press helps scholars and learned societies in the humanities and social sciences bring print journals on line. Using the world’s most ubiquitous journal management platform, the Open Journal System, Open Access Press works with publishers to convert existing journals to an online, Open Access format, or create a new digital Open Access Journal. More details will follow next week. Sneak peak at

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Catalogue of Russian Dissertations

A large catalogue of Russian dissertations is now available online. There is a substantial selection of archaeology titles, many, perhaps most of them otherwise unavailable. The titles listed appear to be machine translated into English. Twenty-five page samples of each title are offered, but were not available for any that I tried.

The service promises, for a reasonable fee, to be able to supply a pdf of the each dissertation in one day, or for slightly more a pdf + machine translation in two days. Prices for pdf + professional translation depend on the size of the work and requires 5-10 days.

I have not yet tried to order a copy. If anyone has, I would appreciate comment below.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A couple of open access archaelogy journals

Archeologické rozhledy
Journal of reviewed articles, founded 1949, focused on the history of Man and his material culture, environmental changes or modern methods of archaeology, especially in the region of Central Europe, publishes brief original studies, contributions and discussions, reviews of Czech and foreign literature.
Revue archéologique de l’Est (RAE)
La Revue archéologique de l’Est (RAE) publie, dans un volume annuel de 300 à 400 pages, les résultats les plus importants des recherches archéologiques menées dans l’Est et le Centre-Est (Alsace, Bourgogne, Champagne-Ardenne, Franche-Comté, Lorraine et nord de Rhône-Alpes). C’est une des revues interrégionales d’archéologie soutenues par le ministère de la Culture et le CNRS. Fondée en 1950, elle est éditée par la Société archéologique de l’Est (SAE), association loi de 1901 basée à l’Université de Dijon, au sein des locaux de l’UMR 5594-ARTeHIS, à laquelle elle est étroitement liée.
Revue archéologique du centre de la France
La Revue archéologique du centre de la France fait partie du réseau de publications interrégionales d'archéologie soutenues par le ministère de la Culture et le CNRS. Son ressort géographique concerne les régions Auvergne, Centre et Île-de-France, ainsi que le département de la Loire (région Rhône-Alpes). Elle a été fondée en 1962 à Vichy et publiée successivement à Lyon puis Tours, où le laboratoire Archéologie et territoires (UMR CITERES) en assure désormais la responsabilité. Elle couvre l’archéologie de toutes les périodes, depuis la Préhistoire la plus ancienne jusqu’à l’archéologie industrielle et des Temps Modernes.

Open access journals at DigiZeitschriften

Others are available via DigiZeitschriften's subscription component.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Open access journals from the Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo

Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico (SEL)
SEL es una publicación de periodicidad anual que acoge artículos de investigación de caracter epigráfico, lingüístico, histórico e histórico-religioso cuyo objeto sea la documentación escrita de las culturas próximo-orientales preclásicas.

La publicación en papel está a cargo de la editorial Essedue Edizioni. Hasta el momento se han publicado 21 números, del número 1 (1984) al número 21 (2004).

La publicación electrónica corre a cargo del IEIOP. Se ha iniciado con el número 17, correspondiente al año 2000. Próximamente se irán añadiendo los números anteriores a esta fecha y los posteriores una vez pasados tres años de su publicación.
Estudios de Dialectología Norteafricana y Andalusí (EDNA)
Revista especializada en los estudios de dialectología árabe, concretamente la zona occidental (Alandalús y el Magreb).

La edición de los dos primeros números la llevó a cabo el Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Zaragoza, del tercero al quinto la Institución "Fernando el Católico", y los volúmenes 6 y 7 fueron una coedición de la anterior institución y del Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo (IEIOP) de Zaragoza. A partir del número 8 es una edición exclusiva del IEIOP. Hasta la fecha se han publicado diez volúmenes: desde el número 1 (1996) hasta el número 10 (2006).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A couple of journals

Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage: Historical-Technical Journal
Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage ISSN 1973-9494 - Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione ISSN 1973-9486
The main topics covered by this journal are:
• historical-artistic knowledge of cultural heritage (author, artistic movement, artistic age, artistic techniques, educational society and characteristics of its culture, socioeconomic context, the people ordering and financing the masterpieces and target
• document and information research
• book production in its historical context
• use of appropriate methodologies and analytical techniques for the characterization
of historical masterpieces that are part of the cultural heritage and for the evaluation
of the preservation state
• environmental monitoring: assessment of atmospheric pollution and correlated decay
of monuments and historical-artistic setting
• micro and macroclimatic monitoring in confined spaces (museums, libraries, archives,
• artistic diagnosis
• experiences in cultural heritage conservation
• problems in the operating process of restoration
• valuation of suitability of products used for restoration, conservation, and maintenance
of cultural heritage
• computer science and cultural heritage: methods for data elaboration and cataloguing
• virtual revising of written texts and illustrated books
• study and enhance the value of archives and book documents
• setting of historical architectures
• conservation, cataloguing and elaboration (virtual or not) of photographs
• others (education, safeguard and conservation...)

Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries
ISSN: 1877-7015
The Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries offers the opportunity to the archaeological community to present its research to a wider, international audience. It will cover the full archaeological time scale, from the earliest Palaeolithic up till investigations of subrecent times, like those of shipwrecks and fortifications. With the ‘Low Countries’ of the title both The Netherlands, Belgium and adjacent areas are meant, or - in geographical terms - the Lower Rhine Basin. The Journal is open to all contributions on research within or of relevance for this region. The main focus of the journal is our understanding of former societies, their differentiation and changes through time, and their relation to the natural environment, not only within the narrow limits of the main area of interest, but essentially in relation to wider patterns and developments. The Journal welcomes contributions ranging from theoretical reflections, broad overviews and analyses to the presentation of data and (recent) discoveries, which are of more than local interest. The Journal distinguishes main articles of 5000-10.000 words and short contributions of 1000-2500 words.

The Journal is open to contributions of academic level, irrespective of the employment and nationality of the authors. It is explicitly meant for both the academic world as well as those working in the so-called commercial or contractual archaeology. An Editorial Board of seven members, with expertise in the main fields covered by the Journal and supported by an editorial secretary, will be responsible in the first line for the assessment of the relevance of the papers. External peers will assess the papers offered purely on their scientific merits, before they are accepted for publication.

The Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries is basically published as an e-journal, but also available in the Printing on Demand option, both as a subscription on the series as for the individual volumes. There will be two issues each year in May and October.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Even more Oriental Institute publications online open access

On May 12st, 2009, the Oriental Institute published another suite of Egyptological titles from its backlist:
My list of all Oriental Institute publications online is now updated to include these eleven titles:

AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2
The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative. Originally posted April 9, 2008. Updated April 30, 2007 with the addition of more CAD and CHD volumes; updated September 16, 2008 with the addition of OIP 130; updated January 6, 2009 with the addition of OIP 135; Updated January 27, 2009 with the addition of OIMP 29. Updated March 16, 2009 with the addition of OIS 5. Update April 28, 2009 with the addition of a suite of older OI volumes on Egyptian subjects.

Starting in 2005, the Oriental Institute committed to digitizing all of its publications and making them available online, without charge. The minimum for each volume, old and new, current and forthcoming, will be a Portable Document Format (PDF) version following current resolution standards. New publications appear online at or near the time they appear in print. Older publications will be processed as time and funding permits. More than one hundred volumes are now online.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ASOR negotiates access (for $15/year) to its journals on JSTOR for its members

An email communication to members of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) today reads:

To better serve your needs, we have settled upon a new system of ensuring that you have online access via JSTOR to all of ASOR’s publications. For a nominal fee of $15 per year, you will be granted access to the entire ASOR archives going back as far as 1919, including:

Near Eastern Archaeology/The Biblical Archaeologist

Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research

BASOR Supplementary Studies

Journal of Cuneiform Studies

Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research

If you are interested in subscribing to this new program of JSTOR access, please log-in to our online membership and subscription platform by clicking here. Enter the online store and select “JSTOR,” and you will be on your way to enjoying the entire ASOR catalog from the comfort of your computer.


ASOR Membership Services

Clicking on the links above will tell you if you already have access through your home institution, which will be the case for most academics affiliated with an organization. If not, tt's very easy to subscribe online. I'll be grateful for feedback from anyone who has taken advantage of this offer on how well it works.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Yet more Oriental Institute publications online open access

On May 1st, 2009, the Oriental Institute published another suite of Egyptological titles from its backlist:
My list of all Oriental Institute publications online is now updated to include these eleven titles:

AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2

The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative. Originally posted April 9, 2008. Updated April 30, 2007 with the addition of more CAD and CHD volumes; updated September 16, 2008 with the addition of OIP 130; updated January 6, 2009 with the addition of OIP 135; Updated January 27, 2009 with the addition of OIMP 29. Updated March 16, 2009 with the addition of OIS 5. Update April 28, 2009 with the addition of a suite of older OI volumes on Egyptian subjects.

Starting in 2005, the Oriental Institute committed to digitizing all of its publications and making them available online, without charge. The minimum for each volume, old and new, current and forthcoming, will be a Portable Document Format (PDF) version following current resolution standards. New publications appear online at or near the time they appear in print. Older publications will be processed as time and funding permits. More than one hundred volumes are now online.